Ceiling fan blades can become unbalanced by dust collecting on the blades when the fan isn't in use. A ceiling fan making a grinding noise may be caused by unbalanced blades that make the fan wobble. Ceiling fan makes grinding noise.A scraping or grinding noise can sound alarming but may also be a simple fix, depending on the cause. Almost looks like it is connected to the air intake. It looks like it’s near the top of the motor closest to the wind shield. Almost as a small fan is slowing down it grinds once or twice. When I shut the vehicle off I hear a grindind noise like metal fan on metal. One of the causes of your car making grinding noise when braking is worn-out brake pads. Related Post: 11 Best 4 Channel Car Amp for Sound Quality. Solid objects between these components can lead to major damage. This can lead to the brakes making grinding noise whether you push the brake or not. The grinding keeps even if we put it in Neutral.Do you want to know how to fix your computer from making that grinding noise? This problem may not be as severe as you are thinking, it could be a simple fi. We have changed already brake pads, wheel bearings. It is like wear breaking pads against the rotors. I can't find the cause, we already tried to put the car in the air and engage drive ,but the TC kicks in and we cannot discover the problem. I have a grinding noise on my T1 V6 Touareg.

Luckily it's the least likely of all the potential parts that we have covered to fail.Do you want to know how to fix your computer from making that grinding noise? This problem may not be as severe as you are thinking, it could be a simple fi.Raul Lucas. If you have a grinding noise and have a light brown fluid on the drive where the center rear of your car is parked then that differential fluid. More often the cause is a lubrication leak. A grinding noise is normally associated with spider gears failing. While the starter relay won’t make as much of a grinding sound, its constant attempts at sparking the starter to. When the gears are worn down, the notches will tap against the surrounding metal resulting in a constant grinding sound. Bad starters will often make grinding noises if their gears are worn down or the starter relay is failing.We already had to have the tires rotated so we asked them to take a look at it. It seems to be coming from the front drivers side. I have a 2013 Equinox with about 82,000 miles on it and starting about 2 weeks ago I would hear a grinding type noise occasionally when I would turn.