Oh, and the Fitbit Inspire 2 also comes with a year’s worth of Fitbit Premium in the box, which is very nice, given it would normally set you back £8 a month or £80 for the full year. You get Active Zone Minutes as well as a battery life that’s doubled to ten days. So what else is new this time around? Well, it’s evolution rather than revolution but the additions are nonetheless welcome. It was the version we recommended considering the relatively small price difference and presumably sales data led Fitbit to decide one product was enough. This time, Fitbit has decided that the heart-rate monitor is essential, and that’s a smart decision. Last time, Fitbit created two Inspires: one with a heart-rate monitor, and one £20 cheaper without. That means you can forget about a colour screen and built-in GPS, but enjoy a device that tracks basic activities and receives notifications in a discreet package with the stamina to go for over a week without seeing its charger.

The Fitbit Inspire is the entry-level Fitbit for adults. $52.98 Buy now Fitbit Inspire 2 review: What you need to know